Data Protection and Security | Kenjo

Your most frequently asked questions answered

We want you to trust us on your journey to transform your HR department. That's why we secure and protect your data with complete transparency by implementing and developing organizational measures that comply with international standards and regulations. To keep your data secure, we not only apply best practices that comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but also process your data in high-security data centers that have the appropriate security certifications.


More information on how Kenjo protects your data

Backups & Recovery


General information

Does Kenjo have an appointed data protection officer (DPO)?

Does Kenjo follow international standards and regulations in order to keep my information safe?

Can I conclude a Data Processing Agreement with Kenjo?

Is everyone in Kenjo familiar with legal requirements on data protection?

How can I report security vulnerabilities?



Authentication & Access Control

Who has access to my data in Kenjo?

How does user authentication work?

Does Kenjo support the configuration of passwords?

What authorization roles are available within Kenjo?

Purpose Limitation



What type of data does Kenjo collect?

What will happen with candidate data during the recruiting process?

How is data encrypted?

Are Kenjo passwords encrypted?

How are passwords encrypted?

Where are Kenjo’s data centers located?

Integration Options


Curious? Book a Demo now!

In a 30-minute personal demo, our team will show you all the functions of Kenjo. Simply select a time slot below and let us guide you through the product and answer your questions. No commitment, no hard sales pitches.
